Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lebanon Carriage Parade

We took Cullen to his first horse parade last night. With the amount of layers he had on, there wasn't a chance he was going to get cold either. It wasn't too bad with the mass of people all huddled on top of each other. Cullen waved at all the people in the parade and yelled "Merry Tismas". Too cute.

"I can't move...."

(bird's eye view from daddy's shoulders)

There were over a hundred carriages in the parade being pulled by anything from Clydesdales to Shetlands. Most of them decorate (and light up) the carriages and horses. Very pretty at night. Unfortunately, the big team of Clydesdales were not there, but there was a team of 6 and a couple of pairs, so Cullen got to see those.

(I may have a few more pics, gotta lighten them up first to see what is in the darkness)

Entry # 77A had a small incident though, he took the turn a little toooooo wide and ran into the curb, and the crowd of people there and began rearing up on his back legs. Kinda scary, but we believe everyone was ok. No emergency personnel was called in and they got the horse calmed down and on his merry way.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat


Please mommy don't make me wear the beard!

Not sure who is having more fun with all this?


My adorable little Garden Gnome!

The Phantom of the Opera is there...

We decided just to trek all the way to the other end of our very long street. Most of the kids are in the newer version of the neighborhood anyways. Cullen did great! He attempted some version of "Trick or Treat" at a majority of the houses and did say "Thank You" to everyone. Such a polite little roaming gnome.

This is fun!

The loot. Before we removed anything that has peanuts.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Iron's Fruit Farm

Cullen tasting the delicious apple cider and managing to NOT get any on daddy's head.

*more pics to come on this adventure*

Yummy ice cream

Cullen enjoys ice cream... can you tell? How the boy managed to get it on his forehead is beyond me though. :-)

" I did it mommy"

Friday, October 2, 2009

Air Force Museum

We went up to Wright Patt today. Cullen got to see the 'air- pains'. We had an ok time, he got tired of walking and didn't want to ride in the stroller, but he wanted to push it, but that meant 'I do it" and noone was allowed to help guide it.

Astronaut Keen

Flying a helicopter in the park.

after two and a half hours of walking....

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Second Birthday

Sorry I've gotten a little behind, here are a few pics of the party. There are so many to pick from.