Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Play

 Our Little Innkeeper!

 Proud Parents!

Proud Grandparents!

Here he comes....

And now our feature presentation....
(I cut it off after him because Scott was also recording-- make sure your volume is up --- but a crying kid cuts off half of Cullen.)

"There is no room at the inn, buuuut you can sleep in my stable"

 One of our secret gifts he had been working on this week,

 and another

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Meeting Santa

 Once again we went to Prasco Park to meet with Santa!  We arrived super early to get in line (second again this year and we were behind the same lady with her two daughters as last year- how funny is that!)


New this year and elf display.

 It's Cullen's turn!!!

 He told Santa that he wanted a train set that went "ding ding ding".  What we have interpreted that to be is that he wants a crossing gate that make noise because he already has a few train sets!

 Not sure what he said to get that look from Santa!

Willy Wonka's Wonderland.  
They again had tons and tons of candy available for all who visited.  Anything you could think of was there plus hot chocolate with marshmallows and whip cream! 

 Train centerpiece

 Baby Cake Pops

 My tasting of the treats..... mmmmm

Scott and Cullen's plates

My little angel!

Union Terminal

Last week we went down to Union Terminal to see the Duke Holiday Train Display.

Alternative Energy Sources in the Train Display--- just for Lindsay!

It was not crowded so Cullen got the train all to himself- Ding Ding Ding!

Heading towards the working the locks on the display table.

Playing on the street car.

Cullen's little tree

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cullen's Pledge

Every week Cullen says the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the Christian Flag at Friday Chapel.. This is his version of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Preschool Thanksgiving Party

First we started out with the regular Friday chapel... and today we got a new song -The monkeys in the jungle say 'Thank You Lord' (as do the Bears in the woods and the alligators in the swamp).

Then we moved to the party room where all the kids showed us how hard they had worked on the next 3 songs for us.... but I think we were keeping Cullen awake!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Entertrainment Junction/Funhouse

Tuesday we went to Entertrainment Junction (I love Groupon!)

This was a part of the Illusions Room.

Scott got stuck. The room was built on a 25 degree angle. Really starts to mess with you after a while.

Cullen had waaaaay to much chocolate milk, LOL!

Little Cullen

Taller Cullen

Not swinging Cullen


Thursday, November 3, 2011


We discovered on Wednesday morning that Cullen has magical powers. He stood this broom up and as of now (Thursday night) the broom continues to be standing upright---- not leaning against a thing!We've all walked by it a million times----and it still stands.


Monday, October 31, 2011

First Field Trip

Today the Bears and the Raccoons class went on their first field trip to Schappacher Farm here in Mason. I went along as a chaperone (so I could get pics to scrapbook!)
Farmer Butch showed the kids all around the farm. First he talked to them about the different types of corn that is grown on his farm, as well as soybeans and wheat.

Each kid got an ear of corn that they fed to the cows. *Notice Cole, Mehir, Charlie and Cullen together*

Cullen needing a little nudge to go on to fed them.

Next we learned the difference between straw and hay. *Notice the boys still together*

This is the first year they are raising Turkeys for the upcoming season. All seems to be going well. *Again-- who is together? Don't worry Charlie was there too, just not in this pic*

Next we met the Donkeys and fed them a cracker, then went back for a pat pat on the head.

Snack time! Farmer Butch shared Apple Juice in little pumpkin sippy cups and a bag of popcorn for each. * Again--- look who found each other and are next to Miss Julie!*


Serious class photo.
(Charlie, Lily, Cole, Alexis, Raegan, Grace, Sarah , Emmy, Mehir, Cullen)

Goofy class photo.