Monday, May 18, 2009

Cleveland Rocks!!!

For the 13 hour ride home, we stopped off in Cleveland for a picnic dinner (yes, we had Mr. Hero) at a park in Lakewood-right down the street from where Scott grew up. It was a tad chilly, but still fun considering we had been in the car for 10 hours already.
Cullen was fascinated by Lake Erie.

Cullen sharing his cookies with Mo-Mo.

Southwick Zoo

We went to Southwick Zoo for the afternoon. I think I was more traumatized then Cullen was. Right after we ate lunch, he was walking down the hill, tripped and fell and smacked his head into the asphalt and got a big ole knot on his head.

And here is where I got a second dose of the trauma, the petting zoo. Supposed to be fun for the whole family..... Get a good look at this goat.....This picture was shot seconds before he got spooked or something and knocked Cullen down and he hit his head--again on whatever that is on the left. A few minutes after this is when we noticed that the goat knocked him down in goat poop.. Eeeewwwwww....

This goat was nicer..

Grandpa and Cullen....

More vacations pics

I am slow, what can I say. Here are some more pics from the vacation to Massachusetts. On Day 2 we made a stop at Toys R Us and tested some bikes and then went to a Walk for Autism. Cullen did a lap with Daddy and Grandpa, and even stopped to do some dancing for the ladies.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Cullen looks so hip in grandpa's glasses!

Cullen's First Race

Cullen participated in his first Fun Run at Grandpa's Race at the YMCA.
While everyone else was out doing the 5k, Cullen just enjoyed playing in the puddles. We were waiting to cheer Becci, Kari, Gloria, Judy and Jeanne in. Way to go guys!
Thankfully it stopped raining just long enough for this event to take place!

Ready, Set, Go Cullen!!!

Hey Mom, where are we going, everyone else is back there??

Hey, this is pretty fun.

We did it!!! And Grandpa was waiting at the finish line to give Cullen his award, even if we did bring up the rear. But he was the youngest one out there, well that wasn't being carried by someone.
