Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat

I came home at lunch with a treat that Kim had sent with me to give Cullen. A delicious Buskin Halloween cookie. As you can see he was enjoying it. And then his lips turned black from the design on the cookie.

Unfortunately, Scott has gotten froze at work that day. We were thinking about trying to go to a few houses, but it just didn't seem right to do without him. That and Cullen doesn't truly understand what is going on with this holiday yet. So, maybe next year. I did take him over to my parents house and got him dressed up.

(For whatever reason, the picture that I thought took didn't, so we are going to try to 're-create' that. He was standing with his arms straight up like he was flying!)

He wasn't much on carrying his treat bag, he just wanted what was inside of it. One candy bar for each hand, and he just ran in circles. As you can imagine those poor little bars didn't stand of chance.

We did stop over and Auntie Kari's for a bit, and Cullen has his first girlfriend. (I knew he was going to be a heartbreaker, but didn't realize it would start so soon.) Her niece Ally, who about a little over a month younger than Cullen, came over and gave him a hug and a kiss. It was absolutely adorable. Unfortunately, no one had their cameras ready.

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