Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Knock Knock... Who's there?

No pics today, only a very funny story. I can laugh about it now, because it will never happen again. Monday, I was doing my typical Sunday chores (day behind, busy weekend) so I had gone downstairs to switch the loads of laundry over. As I am heading back up the stairs, I am praying that what I had mentioned to Scott a few weeks ago isn't about to come true. Unfortunately for me.... IT DID.
I was stuck...... Stuck on the stairs.
If you've been to the house, the door from the dining room has a lock on it... why..... ?? and the door to go outside has a key deadbolt on it.. and the key... you guessed it.. in the dining room... so there I was....
knocking on the door..."Cullen, can you come unlock the door for mommy?"
He is a pretty smart fella though, because I was only there a few minutes before he unlocked it.

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